NY Times asks about Recycling Tennis Balls
Read the article HERE. NY Times print edition (page SP3 on Sept 11th, 2016).
During the Grand Slams, the discussion about “tennis balls” is typically some derivation of how a ball (Wilson, etc) is made. We applaud the NY Times for digging deeper and asking about recycling tennis balls – “isn’t someone in the industry doing something to recycle all the old balls (trash) we use for matches and practice?”
Supported by thousands of loyal tennis ball recycling partners (both individuals & clubs), reBounces’ partnership with Laykold and Ace Surfaces produced the first commercially viable solution – tennis balls being recycled and incorporated into a tennis court surfacing. This was first installed at Tenafly Racquet Club – an existing Green Machine owner & client of Ace Surfaces in the Fall of 2015. You can see the video discussing this installation HERE and a cool animated video HERE of how the recycling partnership works (hint it starts with everyday people & clubs that collect tennis balls for recycling).
“We are a little far out ahead [of the rest of the industry].” Franz Fasold, President of Ace Surfaces - mastermind behind the tennis balls being incorporated into tennis courts
reBounces collected the first tennis balls for recycling in 2008. The First National Tennis Ball Recycling Campaign began after a trip to Indian Wells in 2009. For the last eight years (8!!), we have been providing free shipping labels (YES… FREE of CHARGE) to anyone in the lower 48 States that can send in 200+ tennis balls for recycling. More than 3,000 individuals and tennis facilities have recycled with us over the years! We (collectively with our partners) cannot do this without continued support of tennis balls coming in by the thousands each week. It is quite expensive at this point to recycle tennis balls. However, with three industry leaders (reBounces – Eco Tennis, Ace Surfaces – innovative tennis court surfaces, Laykold – dominant tennis surfacing manufacturer) behind this effort, hopefully, the tennis industry (associations, manufacturers, etc) will wake up and join us and our thousands of recycling partners.

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